How helpful is mindfulness for chronic illness? Getting through the day can seem daunting and almost impossible if you have a chronic illness. Maybe you feel like you can’t take the pain for just one more moment – let alone a day. However, a combination of treatment options to help with pain management can increase your quality of life. Mindfulness works alongside and as a part of the treatment plan to help you mentally and physically feel better. Here is some information about mindfulness for chronic illness and how it can help you.
Mindfulness for Chronic Illness
In short, mindfulness is the practice of being aware of the present moment and surroundings. As a whole, our society is quick to go from one activity to another, leaving little room for being in the moment. When you struggle with chronic pain, it can take a lot of effort to ground yourself. However, there are many benefits to mindfulness for chronic illness. The best part is you can start practicing it today – and it’s free.
Why Mindfulness Works
Mindfulness works in several different ways. The first is to induce relaxation by calming down your nervous system. It can also help improve mental health, especially if you battle against negative thoughts and self-talk. When practiced regularly, mindfulness is a useful tool to help you manage chronic illness and make it through each day. The following are examples of how mindfulness can help you do this.
Tackle Negative Thoughts
If you have a chronic illness, you may be plagued with anxiety and depression as well. Mindfulness works well against these kinds of thoughts because it focuses on releasing expectations of the future and helps you embrace the moment. Negative thoughts can play a role in leading to anxiety and depression. Mindfulness helps distract you from the worries and fears plaguing you by allowing you to be aware of your surroundings.
Ground Yourself in the Present
An example of mindfulness involves noticing the environment around you by using all five senses. For example, look around and mentally list five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can smell, two things you can touch, and one thing you can see – or a mixture of any of those. This works as a quick way to engage with your surroundings and get you back to your present moment.
Mindfulness Helps Reduce Stress
People with chronic illnesses can experience high-stress levels. As a tool to reduce stress and boost relaxation, mindfulness can help you. Recent studies show that mindfulness techniques are effective for stress reduction. Breathing techniques and other mindfulness practices help the body reduce the stress response over time and can even change how the brain reacts to stress. If you struggle with stress, consider giving mindfulness a try.
Improve Sleep
Have you ever struggled with racing thoughts as you try to fall asleep? Sleep is vital to your physical and mental health, especially if you have a chronic illness. Try implementing a mindfulness technique like deep breathing the next time you struggle to fall or stay asleep. Improved sleep can also mean better pain and symptom management, resulting in a better quality of life overall.
Quality of Life With Mylyfe
Mylyfe Speciality Pharmacy offers solutions and services to help patients with chronic illnesses have a better quality of life. Contact us today or learn more.
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