Not every form of hemophilia is the same. Many people with hemophilia experience milder symptoms, sometimes resulting in a delayed diagnosis. Mild hemophilia patients usually require less prophylactic care but face their own unique challenges. There are things to consider if you or someone you know has mild hemophilia. Here is some information about mild hemophilia, including diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment options.
Symptom Onset
If you or someone you know has a milder case of hemophilia, you might not know about it immediately. Without the signs present with severe forms of the condition, years and even decades can go by without your awareness of the problem. Typically, mild cases of hemophilia are diagnosed because of symptom onset following an injury or trauma. However, something as minor as a dental procedure or surgery can reveal symptoms of mild hemophilia. For example, many teenagers with mild bleeding disorders first find out when they get their wisdom teeth extracted.
Mild Hemophilia vs. Severe
There are several differences between mild and severe hemophilia. For cases of mild hemophilia, a wide range exists for the frequency and heavy bleeds. As mentioned above, bleeds may be so infrequent in some very mild cases that you might not even notice them. Nosebleeds might be the extent of it or a pattern of heavy menstrual periods for women. However, severe hemophilia presents with heavy, frequent bleeding that can be life-threatening. Prophylactic or preventative treatments are also necessary for people with severe hemophilia, while mild cases may not need them. No matter what kind of hemophilia you have, getting adequate treatment is imperative.
Testing is essential for people with suspected cases of hemophilia. This becomes even more vital if you have a family history of a bleeding disorder. Infants can be tested through their cord blood. Older children and adults can also be tested for hemophilia through a partial thromboplastin test (PTT), which looks at how long it takes for the blood to clot. Even in mild cases, if you feel that hemophilia might be a concern, get tested as soon as possible. Other forms of testing for both mild and severe hemophilia check for low levels of blood clotting factors. This can also determine a bleeding disorder diagnosis, which means you can get the proper and necessary treatment.
For people with mild hemophilia, specific treatment options are optimal. Desmopressin acetate, or DDAVP, is commonly prescribed to people without severe symptoms and risk factors. This treatment option comes in an easy-to-use nasal spray format, making it useful for scenarios like before and after surgery, nosebleeds, and others. DDAVP treatments are not good options for patients with milder hemophilia B; if your levels are greater than 5% but less than 10%, there are exceptions. Other treatments might work better during more extensive surgeries or circumstances like postpartum with a higher risk for heavier bleeds. It may be a good idea to store some factors at home.
Due to infrequent bleeds, recognizing a bleed may be more difficult. Hemophilia isn’t always on the forefront of your mind, so you may not realize it’s a bleed until it’s too late and you need to go to the hospital. Infusing can also be challenging as you can go years without needing an infusion so you likely will need support, such as a home-infusion nurse.
Whether you have a milder form of hemophilia or a severe one, Mylyfe Specialty Pharmacy has services to help you manage your condition and have the highest quality of life. Learn more by emailing
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